3 ways to be intentional with your time as a work from home mom

Are you looking for tips on how to use your time intentionally as a mom that works from home?


I have a list of easy tips that I hope you will find helpful and useful in your daily life!

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The rise of Work From Home Moms

There are more and more moms who work full time from home; either as small business owners, bloggers, executives, distributors and entrepreneurs…and so much more! With the rise of these positions, many moms find that they struggle with finding ways to be intentional with their time, time management and productivity. Have no fear, I have some great suggestions to help! Being a work at home mom myself, I have found that these tips help me tremendously, and have helped me in using my time wisely, increase productivity and still find time for me!





What does being intentional mean?

Being intentional means that you are purposeful in your words and actions. It means that you live a life that is meaningful and fulfilling to you. It also means that you make thoughtful choices in your life. Being intentional means you actively interact and engage with your life. Intentional living and thoughts are those that have meaning and value, and that serve a purpose. Being intentional with your time as a work from home mom, stay at home mom and mom in general is important. The key is finding ways to use and manage your time wisely, and these tips are just the way to do it!



Being intentional, how it all starts

There is some preparation involved in being intentional with your time. These are ideas to help you prepare yourself for the process.






The Preparation:

  • Create a comfortable, inviting work space

Preparing a work space that where you are comfortable and that is inviting may not sound that important, but you would be amazed at the feeling of setting up a space just for you. Create a space that you want to be in, and that has some of your favorites in it. Choose items for your space that evoke feelings of excitement, and that will make you want to go to your work space daily. Little things like this matter tremendously!


  • Set the tone for the day

Setting the tone for your day can be a determining factor on the outcome of how your day goes. The tone and atmosphere contribute to your overall productivity, reduce stress, and lead to your success. Try setting the tone for your day using essential oils topically or in a diffuser. Many oils are great for calming, relaxing and boosting positive feelings! **Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The information and products described are for information purposes only. Not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any medical condition.**


  • Make sure you are well rested

Preparation starts the night before! Try to get as much rest as you can, studies recommend that most healthy adults get at least seven hours of sleep every night. Obviously, every person and their situation is different, so I would suggest you make this the goal if you do not currently get the recommended amount of sleep.



3 ways to be intentional with your time


1. Pause. Play. Repeat.

Schedule time for breaks. Taking a break from your work is important and necessary. Here are some good ideas for break time:



  • Eat a snack, get coffee or water

Eating a brain healthy snack, drinking water or just grabbing a coffee could be all the difference in how your day progresses. We all know how important diet and eating healthy is to our bodies, so make sure you fuel up often throughout your day!

  • Rest your brain

Rest your brain, practice meditation or engage in some mindfulness activities or practice self care. Your brain needs to recharge, just like other parts of your body. Take this time to relax, it is an important component of self care and necessary for productivity.

  • Take a time out…literally!

You can use this time to put yourself in a time out. You can sit and reflect on how your day is going thus far, and use the time to figure out tasks and objectives that need to be completed.


2. Move it!

If you are consistently working and sitting for a few hours, it would be good to get up and get moving! Move your buns! Check out these fun ways to get up and move!



  • Practice chair yoga

You can find some really great and useful chair yoga poses, that can help your overall work performance if you have to sit at a desk for long periods of time.

  • Engage in simple exercises

Simple exercises such as squats and lunges can help in not only keeping you in shape, but getting your heart rate pumping. Getting your heart rate up helps in staying in shape, and can lead to weight loss.

  • Stretch it out

Simply stretching out your back and legs could mean all the difference. A good stretch can be a great way to prevent fatigue and keeps the blood supply pumping & moving throughout your limbs. So get up and stretch it out often!



3. Just walk away…

Sometimes, you just need to walk away and take an extended break. If permitted, you can leave and spend time reenergizing and reconnecting. Find out ways in which I take time out, and rest myself below!



  • Take a quick power walk

Walking is a good way to not only exercise, but also clear your mind. It helps me unplug from my work, and prepare me for upcoming work ahead.

  • Do nothing at all

You can just sit and literally DO NOTHING. Sometimes you just need time to sit and relax, with no other distractions or interruptions. As long as you as you are away from your work space, this will work.

  • Listen to music or watch television

I don’t know about you, but listening to music and certain songs in particular put me in a great mood! There are a few shows that also have the same effect, so I would consider listening to your favorite song or watching your favorite show.



In the end…what can happen after implementing these intentional tips?


The Transformation

After implementing some of these tips, hopefully you will:

  • Be more intentional with your time

  • Be mindful of your feelings and in turn have a positive day

  • Be more productive and get more accomplished

Being intentional with your time can lead to positive outcomes, making your work from home experience better!





What to take from this

Use what works for you

In the end, you want to do what works best for your individual situation and work schedule. Taking into consideration things that may not work for you, or that do work for your situation will make it easier & more likely that these tips will work for you!


What other tips would you add to being intentional with your time as a work from home mom?

Feel free to share them below in the comments!


Be intentional.

Be productive.

Be mindful.


Until next time,

Anitra J.


  1. I’m not a mom but I do work from home so I can always use tips on how to make my day/space better! These were very good as I’m practicing most of them but I can work on making my work area better and do more stretching as I sit.

  2. These are great tips. I hope to work from home someday!

  3. Makayla says:

    Love this post! As a work at home mom I have such a hard time staying focused with so many distractions and interruptions and by the time I’m finally able to work I’m too tired. Great ideas. Thanks !

  4. LOVE THIS and I love your font 🙂 Thanks for these reminders. Tomorrow is Monday and a good time to be intentional about my routine ( again!)

  5. These are SO TRUE! I was a work from home mom for years and I needed these tips. Self care is key to staying focused but also leaving the work behind at the end of the day. Thanks for putting these practices out there.

  6. Also not a mom but work from home 🙂 Those are some very practical and helpful tips. Thank you!

  7. Great tips! I do not work from home often but when I do I feel guilty and don’t do the self care I need.

  8. These are great tips Anitra! I need to start by clearing my cluttered desk!! Taking breaks is essential and chair yoga does wonders when we are sitting for long periods. I have made three chair yoga/desk yoga videos just for this purpose. Would it be appropriate to share my youtube link with you here?

    1. These are great tips! It is so important to take breaks. Chair yoga is an excellent way to take a short break for mind and body. I need to work on creating a more inviting work space! I have made a few short, chair yoga videos that are on my YouTube channel.

  9. Katie Frazier says:

    I loved this because it’s true with getting housework done. You have to be rested and take breaks in between too. Great post ❤️

  10. I totally agree with taking time away and definitely exercising. There’s no way I could get through a working week without getting out into the fresh air and having a walk. Even if it’s to the local shop to buy some milk, it’s enough to clear the mind and get you ready to work again.

  11. Great tips! I really struggle taking breaks when I work from home. It usually means that work is interfering with family time. Going to try to remind myself of these tips.

  12. This is a lovely and well thought-out article. What helps me to be more intentional is a to-do list. A hand-written to-do list. When I can see what I hope to get done today, and have the satisfaction of crossing things out, it’s a huge incentive!

  13. Thanks for these tips! I can always use advice on how to best use my work time productively. The tip that I most need to implement is to get up and move! It is so easy to grind it out and never take a break.

  14. These are a nice refresher. I’ve been working from home for several years and I’m pretty good at practicing these but its helpful to be reminded.

  15. Thank you for your words. Great reminders for me!

  16. Karen says:

    Hi there! This is all so important to remember ! I have definitely struggled in the past when working from home. I think creating a workspace that’s comfortable and inviting is definitely a first step and has really worked for me! Excited to implement some of the tips you included here, this upcoming week!

  17. Nicole says:

    I definitely need to be more intentional with my time. My four year old makes is challenging, but I think some of these tips would really help me get more done when I am not distracted by her. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Thank you for sharing! I am slowly entering the work from home lifestyle and having a cute baby around makes for some distractions. Being intentional with my time will help immensely and I am looking forward to strategizing and planning my day around this.

  19. This is such a great reminder. I transitioned to working from home about a year ago and I never seem to do a good job of taking breaks or even pausing. By the time I get to the end of my day Im pretty exhausted and its time for me to spend time with my boys – I definately need to re-adjust my method.

  20. Hi it’s Brenda from BrendaMarie.RubyHemMinistries.com I’ve been working from home for 20ish years now but still need an occasional reminder… Thx

  21. Gabby says:

    I have just started working from home well at least attempting to make my blog take off so that I can and I was only thinking of my kids but this reminds me to think of myself as well because I change how I care for myself.

  22. Great post! Couldn’t have come at the right time, so thank you for the reminder, and may we all have a great start to our week.

  23. Rachel says:

    This is such a well-written and insightful post! I think its so important to take a breath sometimes, and that break really helps you focus!

  24. Thank you for this list! And for reminding me it’s OKAY to do NOTHING sometimes. As a work at home mom I often feel like I never get a break. But I have to take care of me too! Amazing stuff

  25. This post was perfect timing…I just found out we will be working from home for several more months and I really need to get organized and motivated.

  26. Caressa Walker says:

    Setting the tone for the day is so key! If I don’t wake up earlier than my son, my whole day is thrown off.

  27. These are great tips especially as a new, stay-at-home, mom. I find that going for a power walk outside with. my dog mid-day helps me reset. Often, I look down at my watch and can’t believe how much time has passed. Thanks for sharing.

  28. Working from home is such a challenging life but these tips are very helpful! Thanks!

  29. I think you wrote this blog post for me! I’m struggling to get my act together these days. Thanks for your words of wisdom!

  30. Great tips! I work in my workout clothes every day, because I really need a couple of movement breaks throughout the day 😊

  31. These are some great ideas I will definitely put into practice.

  32. Working from home can be so difficult. I love all of these tips to help.

  33. I need to get better about getting up and moving from time to time! I don’t get nearly enough steps/movement in now that I’m working from home.

  34. Working from home can be so difficult, especially with kids! These are great tips.

  35. Victoria says:

    I think for me making sure I am well rested is the most important. Lack of sleep makes it very difficult to focus and get anything done.

  36. These are great tips. Intentionality is very important.

  37. Love these tips! You have compiled a great list. You are absolutely right – making the best use of your time does take planning and preparation., And like you pointed out you have to take breaks now and then, to get up and move around and just disconnect from your project.

  38. Prerna says:

    I am a full time work from home mom with twin preschoolers around.these tips will really help.Thanks for sharing.

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