12 fun family outdoor games you must try

Looking for ways to stay active while at home?


These outdoor games will surely keep things fun and exciting for the entire family!


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Getting your kids and family up, outside and off of screens can be beneficial to everyone. These fun and engaging outdoor games will surely provide you and your family memories that will last a lifetime!


Family fun for all ages!

Some of my most fondest memories were of my family playing games outside. Not only are these games a great way for families to connect with and spend time together, but these particular games are great for friendly competition and a good, overall workout! There are a few items that will be needed in order for you to play the games, but nothing too expensive. You can use most of these items again and again for more outdoor game fun, or for exercising and working out.


You may see a few games on this list that you remember and may have played before; bringing back memories and making this a type of “blast from the past” post!  I hope that some of these games bring up fond memories and put a smile on your face.





12 outdoor games for the entire family

1. Red Light, Green Light

This was of my favorite games as a child! It can be played with even young children since the rules are simple. Have children either lined up across from you, or follow behind you. Ever so often, say “Green Light”, which means go. Then say “Red Light” and they have to stop. Whoever gets to the finish line first wins!


2. Tag

Good old fashioned tag is a great way to get in some much needed exercise and cardio. One person is “it”, and must chase the others around. Once you get tagged by the person who is “it”, your’re frozen! The only way to get unfrozen is for someone who has not been tagged yet unfreezes you! Hours and hours of fun!


3. Sack Races

Sack races are super fun for kids and adults of all ages! In teams, each person gets into a sack and “hops” toward the finish line. The first person who crosses the finish line is the winner!





4. Egg Race

Obviously this could get a bit messy and expensive if you were to use real eggs! You can use plastic spoons and plastic eggs for this game. The teams will race one another all the while carrying their egg on their spoon. You can only use one hand, and if it falls off, you have to start again!


5. Three legged race

Three legged races are loads of fun, and just as silly! Using an elastic band, teams of two will put the elastic band around one leg, making them only have three legs! They must race another team to the finish line; good luck making it without falling down. You’re bound to fall at least a few times! Haha!



6. Obstacle Course

You can set up cones, large plastic rings, or even a blow up tunnel to set up an obstacle course in your yard. Each person will be timed to see who can get through the obstacle course the fastest!



7. Jump Rope Competition

Jump roping is a great workout, and you can easily turn this into a friendly competition.  Take turns jumping rope to see how long or how many jumps each person can do. You can even do a one on one competition where two people jump at the same time, and whoever goes the longest wins!


8. Hula Hoop Off

Okay so I may have made up the phrase “Hula Hoop Off”, but I like it! Do a one on one hula hoop off with two people to see who can hula hoop the longest! Are you up for the challenge? It is definitely harder than it sounds!


9. Inflatable Bouncer Races

Sometime referred to as Kangaroo Bouncers or Hopper Sit and Bounce, these fun inflatables are a “ball” to play around with! Take on another member of your family in a bouncer race to the finish line!


10. Cornhole

Cornhole has really grown in popularity over the last few years. This game of skill can be daunting all the while being fun. Toss the bean bag into the hole in the cornhole board and you are the winner! Think you have what it takes to be a cornhole master?





11. Bean bag toss

Why not try your luck with an old favorite, a bean bag toss? Easy and fun for all ages, you can toss the bean bags into a plastic ring or just toss it to see who can get it the farthest!



12. Ring toss

An old favorite, the ring toss game is a way to bring the carnival feel to your fun yard games! Use small rings and cones to see if you can get your ring onto the cone! A little tricky, but it’s all in the wrist!




What to take from this

There is so much that can be gained from your family playing outdoor games together. Here are some things to remember:

  • if nothing else; have fun!
  • the purpose is to get your family outside and active
  • use this time to spend quality time with your family

Use this time to reconnect as a family; laugh have a great time and make some great memories!



Do you have a favorite outdoor game from the list? Do you have any that you would add? Are there any from the list that you remember playing when you were a child? Drop all of your ideas in the comments, I would love to hear your thoughts on the games I choose!


Get off the screens, get outside and have some family fun!

Anitra J.



  1. I adore these ideas! I honestly haven’t thought of green light, red light in years. Thanks so much for these ideas, my girls are going to love them!

  2. Caressa Walker says:

    I love the inflatable blunder race the best out of all the ones listed. These all sound fun honestly it’s just that my baby is too small. But at least I have some ideas for when he gets older

  3. I love playing with my family and really hope that my kids will remember their childhood with fondness when they grow up. I love red light , green light.

  4. These are great ideas to keep the little ones busy while we are home. We love red light, green light. Working on an obstacle course today. Thanks!

  5. Anything that keeps the kids active is always a plus. It helps them sleep better at night so this mama can relax.

  6. Katie says:

    My family loves to be outside so this post was right up my alley! I really love the obstacles course idea!

  7. Patricia Turk says:

    We love those bounce on balls. They provide a great outlet for getting the little nes energy out! And tag is always a classic

  8. Roxanne says:

    Wow! Much needed information with all six of my little ones at home. Thanks!

  9. This are so fun, I love all the ideas! My daughter is three and loves telling me what to do so I think red light green light will be perfect for her right now

  10. I remember having those bouncy balls! I need to snag one for my little! Memories!

  11. Oh man, I’m exhausted from reading these! Not because they aren’t great; they are GREAT suggestions! I just don’t have the energy! Also; as I am typing this I am in love with this font!! 🙂 Jolene would love any of these ideas; I just don’t know if I could keep up!

  12. Great suggestions to keep the children, and adults, happy during these tough lockdown times. May have to get out there later and try several of these. Thanks.

  13. Marianne says:

    Wow!! My fave would have to be the inflatable ball bounce. My youngest would LOVE that!! Hmmm… maybe some shopping might be necessary! Lol. I pinned your post for later! 😜


  15. Love these games for outside! We as a family enjoy being outsides and playing game. Some of these will be a wonderful addition.

  16. Great ideas! My kids need encouragement to get outside so I’m glad to have some activities to entice them with.

  17. Amanda Jean says:

    This brought back memories! Thank you for sharing ! I need to do this with my daughter !

  18. Audrey says:

    Oooh I’m going to think about getting that bouncy ball!! My kids would love that. Getting outside and getting fresh air is so important.

  19. Love these! My almost three-year-old is just starting to get the hang of red-light-green-light!

  20. Sarah says:

    This is a great article – especially since the weather is getting nicer! Obstacle course will be a big hit with us.

  21. Kimmy says:

    These are some good ideas!

  22. These were some of my favorite childhood games. I can’t wait until my 1 year old gets a little older. They are fun to play with my 3 year old now but the more people you have the more fun the become! Great list!

  23. Love this list! Thanks for sharing! I loved red light green light as a kid!

  24. Red light green light and obstacle courses are our favorites!

  25. Kelly says:

    So many great games from childhood, many that I haven’t played in years! Cornhole is still one of my favorites.

  26. This makes me want to get a hula hoop for this summer! They are so fun!!

  27. LisaLisa says:

    These are some great summer family games. We have been gathering our games for our family outings.

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