Weight loss challenge Part 3-Implementing recipes & tips

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Learn some healthy eating tips and easy to make recipes to help you lose weight!


Are you interested in how I’m progressing in this weight loss challenge?


 I received an advanced copy of  “Always Eat after 7 PM”. All opinions expressed below are my own. Please see the disclosure policy for more information. 


Moving right along with the Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks—While Burning Fat Overnight by Joel Marion weight loss challenge!

This is the third post in the four part weight loss challenge series. This post will cover how I implemented tips and recipes that I liked from the book and how I’m progressing so far.  As you know, I have paired the tips and resources from this book with an exercise routine. I work out at least twenty minutes every day, as well as practice yoga three to five times a week. I have set a goal to not only eat healthier, but to build strength and muscle. I have also set a goal to learn some of the more difficult yoga poses, so practicing and stretching daily will help me reach this goal!


You can still join in on the fun, and feel free to check out the other posts in this series below!


Weight loss challenge Part 1-The basics of the program


Weight loss challenge Part 2-How this diet program is different





The Always Eat After 7PM Program

The Always Eat After 7 PM plan consists of: The 14-day Acceleration Phase to kick-start the program and see rapid results, The Main Phase where you’ll learn exactly which foods to eat when in order to achieve your weight-loss goals, The Lifestyle Phase to keep the weight off for good. Below, I go over the two most important tips I’ve learned so far going through the program.



Tip #1-Breakfast is not that important!

Did you know that breakfast is NOT the most important meal of the day? The notion that breakfast is the most important meal of the day actually does not prove to be entirely true. In a review article published in the British Medical Journal researchers found evidence to support that breakfast isn’t necessary to lose weight. “Those who ate breakfast ended up eating about 260 calories more a day, the review found. Those who skipped breakfast were about one pound lighter than those who ate breakfast. These findings led the researchers to conclude that eating breakfast isn’t necessarily a good strategy for losing weight. The science isn’t really there. Breakfast could very well be the least important meal of the day.”

 Astonishing, right?!

“Going without breakfast is part of intermittent fasting (IF), also called time-restricted feeding (TRF). IF is a pattern of food consumption that cycles between fasting and eating in specific time periods. There are various ways to do it; one of the most common is the 16/8 protocol, which involves 16 hours of fasting—typically done overnight—with an 8-hour window in which to eat each day.”

Another great thing about the Always Eat After 7PM program is that you learn what to eat and when are good time to eat certain fooods. The most challenging times to curb hunger are just before bed and in the morning. By following the Always Eat After 7PM program, you have the most willpower to stay on the diet because you are eating during the hours when you are most hungry. This also puts you into both intermittent fasting increasing testosterone and your metabolism, while putting you into ketosis.


What to have in place of breakfast

Instead of having breakfast, an alternative would be intermittent fasting. “Intermittent fasting really shines when it comes to improving the hormones that directly affect your hunger, blood sugar, and metabolism. One is insulin. It combats insulin resistance, meaning that it helps your body use insulin more normally, thereby lowering your diabetes risk and boosting your metabolism.”

So instead of eating breakfast, you would begin each day with one of the 3-Minute Fat-Burning Morning Rituals. One of the alternatives to breakfast I found in the book was Lemon Water. I have been adding lemon to my water long before I started this challenge, so surprise surprise when I saw this as an alternative to eating breakfast!  Lemon water “primes your metabolism for the highest energy levels and fastest fat loss possible. You simply add lemon juice to your glass of water. I sometimes add slices of lemon as well.

 “Lemon Water provides all the benefits of regular drinking water, which supports weight loss, digestive health, physical performance, and cognitive function.”








Interested in learning about the other 3-Minute Fat-Burning Morning Rituals? You can learn more about the book and how to purchase here.



 Tip #2-Eat more food that is energizing and fat-burning

To increase your weight loss and burn fat, it is best to load up on the protein. I’m sure this is not anything new; I’m sure you’ve heard this before. In order to get the best results, choose portion volumizing food at lunch and dinner; that way you can eat more while consuming less calories. Eat one serving of protein (chicken, seafood, or beef) for lunch and dinner, and pair them with super carbs as often as possible.


What are super carbs?

Super carbs are foods like beans, oats, and grains, and should be paired with a portion volumizing protein to help burn fat and control weight. These carbohydrates play an important role in balancing your hormones and regulating your metabolic rate. You can learn all about combining the right amount of protein with super carbs in the recipes section of the book! It comes with recipes, step by step instructions and yummy pictures too!


There are some really great recipes in the Always Eat After 7PM book! I really liked the One Pan Garlic Roasted Salmon and Broccoli.  I absolutely LOVE salmon and broccoli, so making this was so fun! It was so easy and simple to make, I think I’ve found my new favorite salmon recipe!




I also fell in love with the Strawberry Banana Protein Smoothie! I put my own little spin on it and added some cinnamon to it too, since cinnamon helps with weight loss as well. It was SO yummy! I enjoyed the smoothie with a handful of almonds.



The book makes it really easy to implement using the tips above and more into your daily routine. The ease and simplicity of it all makes it easy to stay on track and succeed, and the recipes are amazing!


Fruit Tarts from the Always Eat After 7Pm book


Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks—While Burning Fat Overnight by Joel Marion is now available to purchase.


Stay tuned for more of my progress and journey with the program in the final part of this series, Part 4 where I’ll give you my final thoughts on the program and share with you my results after completing the book!  I’m excited to share even more with you about this fabulous weight loss and healthy eating program!


Until next time!


**This post is brought to you by our sponsor, “Always Eat After 7 PM”. The opinions expressed are my own.**

Anitra J.


  1. This book looks so interesting.
    I have found that I respond pretty well to IF and cutting back on simple carbs.
    I usually never eat breakfast lol

    1. Anitra says:

      Melinda, it is a very interesting book indeed! I’m with you, I don’t eat breakfast either.

  2. Love these tips! I have learnt over the past year that breakfast isn’t as important is everyone says it is. I love your tips and hope to incorporate them in my daily routine! Thank you !

  3. These are great tips! I also love the fact that I have validation for not eating breakfast!

    1. Anitra says:

      Ceci, same here. Just coffee for me!

  4. This sounds like an interesting diet. I’m not much of a breakfast eater as I get older so good to know it’s no longer considered the “most important meal of the day”.

    1. Anitra says:

      Kinzy, es, this is an amazing diet program. I’ve never really been big on breakfast either, just coffee.

  5. Aliya says:

    I’m currently doing a no carb diet for 30 days and I see a huge difference already. It’s crazy how you can take one thing out your diet and it make that big of a difference. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Amanda says:

    This is interesting! I’ve been doing something similar but not even realizing it was actually “ok.” Thank you for sharing!

  7. Thanks for the tips – the salmon and brocolli sounds very good!

  8. Bookmarked your website for easy access! These articles are great

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