65 confidence building affirmations for children

Positive affirmations are not just for adults


Set your child on the path of self love by introducing them to positive affirmations!


A positive mindset is something that can and should be taught to children at a young age!


What children think of themselves is important

As important as it is for parents to encourage and support their children, it is just as and even more important that children learn to encourage and think positive about themselves. Developing a habit of positive thinking helps them to build self-esteem and self-belief which will stay with them throughout their life. Having positive influences and examples around children helps them nurture their own positive belief system. Affirmations are a mindful way of building a positive self image, self confidence and positive mindset. Positive thinking can be crucial to a child’s overall well being.



What are affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements you tell yourself (or your child) every day. If your child is younger, then you can recite some affirmations and have them repeat them back to you. This simple practice of positive thinking can have a big impact on your child’s overall well-being, as they build their self-image and learn how to regulate their feelings. This is especially important for children as they are learning how to develop key self-regulation skills. Children who hear positive affirmations from themselves and others are more likely to have a more positive outlook.


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Why positive affirmations for children are important

So, why are positive affirmations important for children? There are so many benefits of positive affirmations, not only for adults, but especially for children. In this day and age, children need to feel that it is okay for them to be who they are. That they do not need to change for others or be something for someone else. Affirmations are all about self love.

  • Strengthens their resilience when they are in difficult situations
  • Lessens their tendency to dwell on negative experiences, emotions, and thoughts
  • Creates a stronger, more positive sense of self – which directly affects their daily life


Positive thinking leads to positive actions

It is no secret that there is a direct connection to your thoughts, feelings and actions. Thoughts are connected to the emotional part of the brain, so it is only fitting that when a child thinks positive thoughts, it can lead to positive actions and feelings. In a nut shell, the more positive thoughts your child has, the better they feel inside and outside!


Positive affirmations help build resilience 

The more your child practices positive thinking, the more they will be able to develop the tools to make positivity a habit, even when they are faced with difficult situations. They will hopefully not dwell on negative emotions and situations, and remember their affirmations as a way of helping them through these situations.



How to do affirmations with your child

The process of positive thinking is a family affair! In the beginning, and especially if your child is younger, you will have to practice positive affirmations with your child. A good time to do this is either in the morning and/or in the evening. If your child can read, allow them to choose two to four affirmations for the day. Have your child read them aloud (and in front of a mirror if they feel comfortable enough to do so). You can also choose affirmations for yourself and participate with your child, so that you are modeling the importance of positive affirmations.

If your child cannot read, choose two to four affirmations for them and say them aloud. Have your child repeat them, and if there are certain positive thoughts that you feel they need to hear, choose those. In both situations, be sure to choose affirmations that are relevant to your child’s life and that are meaningful and purposeful.


65 Positive Affirmations for children

1.  I am good at solving problems.

2. I talk to myself with the same kindness I do a friend. 

3. I can persevere when things get hard. 

4. I am able to find small things to be grateful for. 

5. I will not crumble in the face of challenges.

6. I take responsibility for my mistakes.

7. I have unique strengths all my own.

8. I am creative.

9. I can find peace inside myself. 

10. I can breathe to bring peace to my body.

11. I can let go of my worries and find positivity. 

12. I accept this moment, just as it is. 

13. It is ok to have a hard day.

14. It is ok to feel sad sometimes.

15. It is ok to not be ok. 


Related post: How to connect best with your child: Understanding your child’s love language


16. I am courageous. 

17. I can approach new situations with an open mind.

18. I’ve got this.

19. I have faith in myself.

20. I can handle this, nothing lasts forever. 

21. I am special and unique.

22. I appreciate the amazing things my body can do.

23. I am strong.

24. I am a hard worker.

25. I can do hard things. 

26. I can learn whatever I put my mind to.

27. I can be a leader in my own way.

28. I can do great things.

29. I can try my best.

30. I am intelligent in many ways. 



31. It is ok to not be good at everything!

32. I’ve got what it takes.

33. I am powerful.

34. I am enough.

35. I am unique in many ways.

36. I have special gifts and talents.

37. I love myself.

38. I am grateful for who I am.

39. I am proud of myself and who I am. 

40. I am smart.

41. I am capable.

42. I am a good friend.

43. I have a big heart.

44. I believe in myself.

45. I am fun to be around.


Related post: The best mindful activities to help your child develop self regulation skills


46. It is okay to be different.

47. I will always do my best.

48. I am an amazing person.

49. I am brave.

50. I matter.

51. I am important.

52. I am helpful.

53. I am loved.

54. I am generous.

55. I am worthy.

56. I am thoughtful and kind.

57. I am compassionate.

58. I am kind.

59. I see the good in myself.

60. I am friendly.



61. I am caring.

62. I am confident.

63. I am a superhero.

64. I am my own person.

65. I am gifted.


What to take from this

The most important thing to take away from this is that you want your child to develop a habit of self love and positive thinking. What they think about themselves is important, and reminding them that they are important is the ultimate goal.


I’m interested in hearing if you and your children participate in affirmations. Let me know in the comments!


A positive mindset leads to a positive life.

Anitra J.


  1. Victoria Prasad says:

    This is quite an extensive list!! Thank you so much for putting this together! Our kids need to be surrounded by positivity, from themselves and others.

  2. positive affirmation like these are helpful to our kids. thank you for sharing

  3. I love all of these affirmations. I’m going to write them on cards to put around my house for my little!

  4. Love this! Affirmations are so important for kids abs adults alike

  5. I love affirmations. They are great for any age and mindset!

  6. Wonderful affirmations. It’s so important for both kids and adults! I know even my parents have some written around their house for my dad!

  7. That was such a helpful list of building our children’s how to maintain the positive outlook in life. I’m glad I came across with your post.

  8. Monica Simpson says:

    These are so good. My daughter struggled a lot her first year of middle school with low self esteem. I need to print these out for her.

  9. This is a great list. It is very important to help kids build confidence. It can be so easy to overlook this but using these affirmations can really make a difference.

  10. Whitney Stewart says:

    This is brilliant! Never has it crossed my mind about introducing the notion of self love to young kids, but then again it makes sense. Kids, teenagers especially, can deal with serious self esteem issues fairly early in life. So learning to love themselves should be taught as early as possible! Thank you for sharing!

  11. There are so many good ones here. It’s hard to pick just a few.

  12. Melsisa Cushing says:

    I am absolutely loving this post and such great tips on building affirmations with the kiddos. It is super important and always love your posts and visiting as your parenting posts are awesome 😉

  13. These affirmations are really good. My sisters who have kids will surely love these! Thanks and will be sharing this to them!

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