15 Montessori parenting books parents of young children should read

Are you a parent looking for some insight into Montessori parenting, positive discipline and raising well rounded children?


These Montessori parenting books are are my go to list for recommendations!


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Let’s face it, parenting is a team sport! As parents, we often look for resources and tips from everything to overall parenting styles, to potty training, to discipline strategies. Having this book list recommendation puts a ton of useful information all in one easy, convenient place!


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Parenting Types

There are so many parenting types. I touch base on a few that correlate with the philosophy and principles of Montessori. These parenting types share many similarities, but are different in their own right. It’s good to compare some of the most popular parenting types to get a better understanding of each.

  • Montessori parenting

A relaxed parenting approach that follows the principles and practices of The Montessori Method. Following the child, allowing them to have freedom within limits and the ability to make some choices are key elements in this approach.  Positive discipline, setting healthy boundaries and natural consequences are commonly used in Montessori parenting.


  • Conscious parenting

A  parenting approach that focuses on bringing awareness of self in the parenting journey. Being aware and conscious of how you were brought up as a child, but not allowing that to affect your parenting journey. This approach also uses positive discipline and setting boundaries.


  • Positive parenting

Positive parenting is an approach that follows the principles of Positive Discipline. Parents and children build their relationship by noticing their individual needs through caring, teaching, leading, and communicating. You see a strong presence of positive parenting in the other parenting approaches.


  • Gentle parenting

A parenting approach that is centered around understanding, sympathy and respect. Similar to the other parenting types in that it also uses a peaceful, positive approach to parenting, and does not use punishments or demands.


Many times, parents take a little from each of the types to see what works best for them. These types of parenting approaches have been becoming more and more popular over the years.


Which type of parenting do you most associate with? Or is it a combination of a few?


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There is no manual when it comes to parenting

Parenting is not like buying a car or an appliance; it does NOT come with a manual! Unfortunately, we as parents figure things out most times by trial and error; and if we’re lucky, we occasionally come across a some great parenting tips from a website (like this one! Haha!) or one book recommendation from a friend or relative.

There are rarely instances where you can find a variety of parenting books all in one place, but here you have it!



Top recommended Montessori parenting books

I do not by any means recommend that you go out and get each book on this list. (Obviously, you are more than welcome to though!) I would suggest checking each book out, reading through the summaries, and choose a few that will fit well with your family dynamic.


1. Montessori for Every Family

This Montessori book for parents outlines the key principles of the Montessori approach and shows how you can easily apply it at home. It provides a valuable starting point for parents to help them create a family life inspired by the principles of Montessori.


2. Raising the Future the Montessori Way

This book will guide you through a child’s essential needs, using Montessori’s techniques. It discusses how a child’s needs change throughout their four planes of development. It also covers weaning, potty training, bedtime routines, setting up a Montessori bedroom & playroom, and implementing Montessori methods into the home.


3. The Whole Brain Child

This book delves into the twelve key strategies that foster healthy brain development, leading to calmer, happier children. It shows you how to cultivate healthy emotional and intellectual development so that your children can lead balanced, meaningful, and connected lives.


4. Raising Good Humans

A book that shows you how to raise kind, compassionate kids. You’ll find powerful and practical strategies to break free from “reactive parenting” habits and raise kind, cooperative, and confident kids.


5. How to Raise an Amazing Child the Montessori Way

A parent’s guide to building independence, creativity, and confidence in their children using Montessori learning techniques. It shows parents how to bring the teachings of Montessori into their home to create a safe, nurturing environment for their children with clear and concise instructions.


Related post: 5 basic Montessori principles that can compliment your parenting style


6. The Montessori Baby

A guide that shows how to raise your baby from birth to age one with love, respect, insight, and a surprising sense of calm, following the teaching of Montessori. It is filled with hundreds of practical ideas for understanding what is actually happening with your baby, and how you can mindfully assist in their learning and development.


7. Montessori at Home

This practical guide shows parents how to apply the Montessori Method at home with easy-to-implement activities and tips designed to build a child’s social, emotional, cognitive, and moral growth. It provides valuable training for parents in an easy-to-follow, chronological format that follows the age and development of the child.


8. Practical Guide to the Montessori Method at Home

The book is aimed at parents who want to integrate Montessori activities at home with their children, easily and on a budget. It includes a basic introduction to the principles of the Montessori philosophy, numerous illustrated examples of how to apply it at home; classified by subject and age, and explained clearly and concisely.


9. The Montessori Toddler

Using the principles of Montessori, this book shows how to turn life with a “terrible two” into a mutually rich and rewarding time of curiosity, learning, respect, and discovery. It also shares step-by-step ways to cultivate daily routines with ease, like brushing teeth, toilet-training, dealing with siblings, losing the pacifier.


10. Positive Discipline

Based on the Positive Discipline approach, this book helps you develop strategies to understand  that the key is not punishment, but instead mutual respect. This book teaches parents to be both firm and kind.


Related post: Valuable conscious positive parenting resources to help tame your child’s tantrums


11. Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids

This book shares how to foster emotional connections with your child, creating real and lasting change. When you have that vital connection, you don’t need to threaten, nag, plead, bribe—or even punish.  This guide will help parents better understand their own emotions—and get them in check—so they can parent with healthy limits, empathy, and clear communication to raise a self-disciplined child.


12. Effective Discipline the Montessori Way

This book makes the case that the correct discipline practices are based on the educational principles advocated by Maria Montessori. Children need proper discipline in a positive, caring manner.


13. Gentle Discipline

This book helps to debunk common myths about punishments, rewards, the “naughty chair,” and more, and presents practical, connection-based techniques that really work–and that bring parents and kids closer together instead of driving then apart.


14. Discipline Your kids with Positive Parenting

This book introduces the idea of empowering your children (and yourself), as well as using discipline as an effective teaching tool. Rooted in mindfulness―the practice of being present and self-regulating―this complete guide to discipline through positive parenting makes things easy by providing straightforward guidance, practice dialogs, simple exercises, and more.


15. The 5 Love Languages of Children

Discover and learn how to speak your child’s love language in a way that he or she understands! Discover your child’s primary language—then speak it—and you will be well on your way to a stronger relationship with your flourishing child. Find dozens of tips for practical ways to speak your child’s love language.


Related post: How to effectively use positive discipline to raise well nurtured children


In the end

In the end, always do what is best for you, your child, and your family. Remember parenting is not a “one size fits all” situation, so some things that may work for others may not work for you. That goes for your children too…they are unique individuals, and may need to be parented differently. Just because a parenting strategy or type worked with one of your children, it may not work for the other child(ren) you may have. So it’s good to have a few tricks in your parenting arsenal!


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Now that you’ve had time to think about my earlier questions…

Which parenting type do you most associate with?

Is it a combination of a few?


Let me know in the comments. Also, please share any other Montessori parenting books that you’ve found useful!


Happy parenting!

Anitra J.



  1. Love your breakdown of the different styles of parenting. Such great explanations. I definitely recommend Peaceful parent, happy kids and positive parenting. Two books we loved. And I love the love languages for relationships. Am interested in trying this out for children.

  2. Of these books I’ve only read the 5 Love Languages of children. I really love that book.

  3. This is a great list! I’m going to share it with my sister-in-law!

  4. I bet these are really great resources for parents who are doing Monessori learning for their kids!

  5. Thank you for this list! There are a couple on here I haven’t read yet (adding to my audible library as I type this!).

  6. We’ve loved the Montessori Toddler and Whole Brain Child, but I’ll have to check out your other recommendations! Great list!

  7. As you said, I take a little from each parenting type, but I would have to say that positive parenting is the one I have used the most. While I did not learn about Montessori until my child was older I have incorporated it into a lot of my teaching style. I have read “The Whole-Brain Child” and see a couple of others I want to checkout as well.

  8. Oooh thank you for these book recs!! I need to check out a few 🙂

  9. Thank you for the book suggestions! YouTube and Google have been my go to resources but I will be sure to be check out some of the books. I believe my parenting style is a mixture of all listed.

  10. Thanks for sharing such informative books. I’ll definitely check on them soon to help me out with my parenting journey with my little one.

  11. Dana says:

    I use positive parenting mostly. Positive Discipline is my favorite and I also loved the Whole-Brain Child and the Montessori Toddler. I found them all to be helpful. I have to check out the other books on your list!

  12. Monica Simpson says:

    There’s so many great books on here! I have read a little bit of The Whole Brain Child. I’ve been wanting to read Peaceful Parents Happy Kids.

  13. I’ll definitely be checking these books out!

  14. Katie C says:

    I have heard so much about the whole brain child and raising good humans. I’ve actually had them both on my Amazon wishlist for awhile now and I’m going to order them now!

  15. Omg how are you reading my brain right now?? I am on the hunt for some great parenting books! I’ve read a few of these and still need more! So thank you for this great list!!

  16. Rachel D says:

    I’ve seen the Whole Brained Child recommended so many times and I haven’t read it. When I am finished with my next book I am coming back here to buy it.

  17. So many great books listed. I am definitely going to check out a couple of them.

  18. I am not familiar with these books. It is nice to have some support when it comes to parenting.

  19. This is really a good article for my sister to read. Gonna share this to her!

  20. Great blog very informative!

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